Professional, respectful and compassionate elderly homecare services…


Eldercare in Home is dedicated to providing unique services to our seniors. Our model of care
emphasizes supportive care to maintain the overall health of our clients, which involves close
monitoring of vital signs, nutrition and cognition. To this end we have a physician consultant
available to assist our caregivers.

While competitor companies simply deliver companion services, our goal is to add a pro-active
focus on the well-being of our clients. We perform daily monitoring of blood pressure, heart rate and temperature as well as observational assessment of mood, cognition and nutrition. By detecting early signs of deterioration in any of these parameters, our clients can be more effectively treated and remain in their home environment. Our caregivers can maintain kosher observances and conform to Shomer Shabbos prohibitions. Additionally, we follow all medical dietary restrictions for diabetes, gluten intolerance, heart failure etc.

Our standard services are comprehensive and delivered by a trained eldercare specialist who has undergone a background check. In addition to these services, we can provide optional ancillary services to help reduce the number of individuals interacting with our seniors and provide more centralized care.

Eldercare in Home is an independent local company and not part of any national chain. Our president, Riva Grischkan, is a resident of Cote St. Luc and is a certified eldercare specialist with CPR certification.

Daily Monitoring

Daily monitoring of pulse, blood pressure, temperature, movement and cognition.


Physician consultant available for medical guidance when needed by caregiver.

Weekly Status Reports

Weekly Reports to the family for client’s speech, orientation, memory, moods etc.